The Redwall Comedian

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The war won with music from the '60s

Panelist: A-tha-lia nhc

In the Spring of the Chicken-Headed Pickle, two armies met in a big, large field west of Redwall Abbey. The smell of cheese was on the air as the soldiers walked solemnly. One army was from Salamandastron: hares and otters led by Lord Picklewhack, the badger lord. The other army was from Redwall Abbey: mice and squirrels led by the great Max the Warrior.

One of the squirrels in Redwall's army muttered to a comrade, "tell me again why we're doing this? Redwall and Salamandastron are supposed to be allies, not enemies!"
The comrade replied, "you know how Max gets when anyone picks on him about his tail. Lord Picklejuice should'a known better."
A particularly fat, dumb mouse soldier asked, "I thought his name was Lord Pickyournose?"
"No, you dolt!" said a hare behind him, and proceeded to whack the fat mouse up-side the head.
The squirrel turned to look at the hare. "What in the name of trees are you doing here??"
The hare looked blank. "Isn't this Salamandastron's side?"
Any soldier within earshot let out a resounding "NO!"
"Mater!" the hare squeaked before he was beaten and trampled.

Meanwhile, at the head of the Redwall army, Max the Warrior marched proudly toward his enemy, Lord Picklewhack. Max was a short mouse, with a strangely short, furry tail. Anyone who made fun of his tail would fight a war shortly thereafter. This was the case of today's war.

Tune in next month for the conclusion to this story!

Of course all images and references to Redwall are a copyright of the Redwall Abbey Company LTD and all articles and writings are a copyright of their original authors or artists. Don't even bother being a loser and ripping us off because all images and references to TRC are a copyright of Temmlock, 2002 (We have the law behind us). Questions? Comments? Complaints? Whines? Email Temmlock at