The Redwall Comedian

"The future of monthly Ezines has arrived...

But this isn't it."

Have a Nice Day!


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My 2 Lousy Cents

Athalia's Monthly Interview

Poisonleaf Wolfbane, Cubicle Inspector part 2

Redwall's Funniest Home Videos


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Miserable Fan Art

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Miserable Fan Art!

We boast the worst Redwall fan art on the net. Let's live up to that boast and make viewers not only throw up, but E-mail fiery complaints as fast as they throw away free AOL discs! (WOW, that's fast!)

To submit an article, E-mail us at We recommend that you send it as an attachment. Please include your name, the picture's title and a short description. Take the excellent picture by Borfall of Cluny as an example.

Tips: Imagine there is no copyright info at the bottom of the page and you are trying to discourage viewers from ripping off your work.

Title: Cloony da skerg

By: Borfall

Description: Woodentit be kewl if Rewdall careachter worr giant genes?

 Title: Chickenhound-sela

By: (Sorry, I lost the artist's name.)

Description: Sela finds Chickenhound wearing... well, see for yourself.

warrior.gif (5233 bytes)Title: Swordless Warrior

By: Spoon Paw

Description: A warrior without a sword. (Drawn in 2.32 seconds)

martin the warrior.gif (6944 bytes)Title: martin the warrior

By: Spoon Paw

Description: Martin the Warrior has a blood wrath thingy so GET OUT OF HIS
WAY NOW STUPID HEAD!!! He will slice you into pickle juice and make lip balm come out of your fore head!!! LALALALALALALA.....
stonehendge1.JPG (160173 bytes)Title: Stonehenge

By: Gastornis

Description: Abbess Germaine's early attempts at Redwall.
MartinTheWarrior.gif (2391 bytes)Title: Martin The Warrior 2

By: Athalia Nuttree Hophingham Colover

Description: Behold, Martin the Warrior! In one paw, he holds his puny sword. In the other paw: a piece of cheese. Admire his lack of muscles, his pig-like nose, and his bad coloration!
DeynaMTW.gif (5337 bytes)Title: Deyna v.s. Martin the Warrior

By: Athalia NHC

Description: Uh oh... Deyna took poor Martin's piece of cheese!
Hordes and stuff.gif (19785 bytes)Title: Hordes and stuff

By: Spoon Paw

Description: Hordes and stuff

Athaliamiserable.gif (9471 bytes)Title: Welcom2Redwal!!1

By: Athalia NHC

Description: a n00b's idea of Redwall

Title: Naughty Cheek

By: Oralee Hannah Delwyn Alonamara Ernestine D'Arcy Berghare

Description: well, i think its Basil Stag Hare reprimanding Cheek for eating a pie, and honestly i think my four year old sister could do a better job then this.

Title: Da Warrrrier O'Redwal!

By: Calantorntain

Description: Redwall has a warrior.

Award: This drawing is the winner of the first ever Miserable Fan Art contest Extraordinaire!
Title: (lost in the mail)

By: (lost in the mail)

Description: (lost in the mail)

Title: Happy Bunny

By: Gurtpaw

Description: A Happy Bunny!

Title: Sword of Martin

By: Poisnleaf Wolfbane Marlfox

Description: The sword of Martin


Of course all images and references to Redwall are a copyright of the Redwall Abbey Company LTD and all articles and writings are a copyright of their original authors or artists. Don't even bother being a loser and ripping us off because all images and references to TRC are a copyright of Temmlock, 2002 (We have the law behind us). Questions? Comments? Complaints? Whines? Email Temmlock at