The Redwall Comedian

"The future of monthly Ezines has arrived...

But this isn't it."

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The Stupidest 'You Know You're Addicted To Redwall When...' List Ever!!!

Panelist: Spoon-Paw

1.  You read Redwall a lot!

2.  You know what mice are!

3.  You tell people about Redwall!

4.  You are reading this!

5.  You have at some point read one of the Redwall novels!

6.  You stapled your forehead to a Redwall book at one point!

7.  You still have a staple in your head!

8.  While you're reading this you realize you put a staple in your forehead
in your sleep!

9.  You really, really want to stop reading this because its insulting to
the Redwall novels!

10. It hurts your eyes to go outside because you've just spent 8 hours
staring at your monitor looking at Redwall web sites!

11. You have your own Redwall web site!

12. You have the sudden urge to start strangling me!

13. You suddenly get very gitty when you see George Clooney!

14. You start thinking about why I'm not talking about Redwall!

15. I mean this is a Redwall based web site shouldn't I be talking about

16. You have a tiki with the faces of Redwall characters which you worship
on a daily basis!

17. You have been arrested 16 times for bringing Martins sword on a plane!

18. You have Martins sword!

19. Right now you are curled up in a corner of your room!

20. You have insulted me approximately 43 times!

21. You have stopped reading this!

22. You know how to spell Redwall!

23. You have multi-colored post-it notes reminding you of how to spell

24. You are now writing me hate mail!

25. You are now muttering to yourself how scum like me should be wiped off
the earth!

26. And last but not least you keep your Redwall novels in a wicker basket
that you got last Easter from your aunt Louis who got it at the 99 cent

See, how hard was that?  If you hated this please let me know, I love
insults.  Until next month this has been The Stupidest You Know You're
Addicted To Redwall When List Ever!!!

Of course all images and references to Redwall are a copyright of the Redwall Abbey Company LTD and all articles and writings are a copyright of their original authors or artists. Don't even bother being a loser and ripping us off because all images and references to TRC are a copyright of Temmlock, 2002 (We have the law behind us). Questions? Comments? Complaints? Whines? Email Temmlock at