The Redwall Comedian

"The future of monthly Ezines has arrived...

But this isn't it."

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The real story of  TRC

Panelist: Temm-lock

I’m sure all of you have heard the run-of-the-mill story behind TRC, which involves that guy finding that thing in that house. Well, if you haven’t, consider yourself spared from the evil. 

You see, the government tells lies, awful lies, all the time. When something fishy is going on they have paid agents to invent ‘cover-up stories’ to tell the media. The story you have all come to know and not care about (Most of you) is completely fraudulent and misleading. This so-called article will reveal what really happened so that you won’t be misled.

It all began about five months ago. An FBI dude named Hijaak was investigating a case of stolen stuff. He was only working on the case because the stuff had been STOLEN. In other words, he wouldn’t care about this stuff if it wasn’t for the fact that someone had STOLEN it. Now Hijaak was very clever. He would often distract the criminals with small, round, and shiny objects while he made right what was wrong. On this particular occasion he placed a coin a few paces from the criminal’s doorstep to distract them while he recovered the stolen stuff. 

The only flaw with agent Hijaak was that he had A.D.D. Way back in 2nd grade, when his teacher taught the class about the different types of coins, he had been making paper UFOs. The coin that he left a few paces from the criminal’s doorstep was one of the new ‘billion dollar coins’ that he had received as change from an overpriced vending machine. Once he had recovered the stolen Snickers bar, the criminal and his car were nowhere to be found. Having his issues, Hijaak didn’t consider this detail, but only hurried back to headquarters as fast as possible with his recovery.

One month later, on some abandoned island or whatnot, there was a new group forming called the ‘Tremendously Richbies Community (TRC)’, started by ‘The man with the billion dollar coin’. Now it just so happened that there was another who wanted to use this acronym for their venture. This was a teenage ROC member who carried the name of Temmlock. He thought is wasn’t fair that the Tremendously Richbies should get the acronym that he planned to use as a call name for his comedy Redwall E-zine, ‘The Redwall Comedian’. 

“This must be resolved in court” stated the man with the billion dollar coin, “I will have the best lawyers in the government back me up. Heck, I’ll have the president’s lawyer.” When Tem was asked where he would come up with the money to use for a lawyer, he said “I’ll be my own lawyer”. As the court session closed, it was decided that Temmlock would be given the rights to the name and the tremendously richbies would be given nothing. Don’t ask how this conclusion was reached, but later on it was said to have been a ‘bad decision’.

Now you can probably see why the government would want to cover up the reality of TRC.

Of course all images and references to Redwall are a copyright of the Redwall Abbey Company LTD and all articles and writings are a copyright of their original authors or artists. Don't even bother being a loser and ripping us off because all images and references to TRC are a copyright of Temmlock, 2002 (We have the law behind us). Questions? Comments? Complaints? Whines? Email Temmlock at