The Redwall Comedian

"The future of monthly Ezines has arrived...

But this isn't it."

Have a Nice Day!


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My 2 Lousy Cents

Athalia's Monthly Interview

Poisonleaf Wolfbane, Cubicle Inspector part 2

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Matthias' Help For Moles


Panelist: Mat-thi-as

Mole: Oi arve a gurt feaster to give zoon. Oi spented all ee day baken ee
food. Then oi felled ee sleep an oi dreamed oi was eaten gurt 'eaps o'
vittles. When oi waked up, oi found out oi 'ad eaten all moi feast
whoile oi sleeped! Wot should oi do?

Signed, Haremole

Matthias: That's it, I quit! I'm sick of all these problems from moles, and unless I get QUITE a raise... Well, sorry. Just ask them all to bring something, and cook some stuff yourself.

Mole: Oi be a-loikin' to lissen t' pummelin' above oi, but oi tunnel's caved in, an' oi'm stuck 'ere! 'Elp!

Signed, Stuck in a hole

Matthias: Well... you're not going to survive too long unless you dig. It's obvious!


For this month, I have decided to provide only two parts to my advice column, but instead, I will create a Redwall/Star Wars story. I'll write part, then you submit a response from the choices provided. Then I'll write from there, provide more choices, etc. etc. 

Until I'm finished, there will be NO MOLE ADVICE COLUMN!

Of course all images and references to Redwall are a copyright of the Redwall Abbey Company LTD and all articles and writings are a copyright of their original authors or artists. Don't even bother being a loser and ripping us off because all images and references to TRC are a copyright of Temmlock, 2002 (We have the law behind us). Questions? Comments? Complaints? Whines? Email Temmlock at