The Redwall Comedian

"The future of monthly Ezines has arrived...

But this isn't it."

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Poisonleaf Wolfbane, Cubicle Inspector part 2

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Panelist: Temm-lock

Chapter 1: A Council of War

“Kill it Lymbee!” screeched Flower, a young orphan haremaid of the abbey. Lymbee, a mouse of similar age, was leaning against the wall eating some odd vegetable that he had picked up in the kitchen.
“Kill what?” He said, obviously annoyed. Flower pointed shakily at the floor.
“The Monese Guy Alien!” she cried. Lymbee suddenly jumped up.
“Oh! Holy…” He lifted his foot quickly and let it fall, smashing the Monese Guy Alien. “Wasn’t so bad was it?”
Flower breathed a sigh of relief. “Don’t throw it away though, we need to show it to the abbot. You know how he hates Monese Guy Aliens.”
Lymbee took a bite out of the vegetable and nodded. “Speaking of the abbot… didn’t he say something about a badger lord and wanting us to be down in cavern hole for a council of war?”
Flower screwed up her face. “Eww. I hate those.”
“That’s just because you’re a girl. Girls don’t like war. Some girl hares do, but you don’t even talk like a hare.” Said Lymbee matter-of-factly.
“No, not the war council, that vegetable you’re eating. It looks gross.” Said Flower.
“Oh.” Said Lymbee. “Let’s go down to the abbot’s council now.”
“Ok.” Said Flower. The two left the upstairs bedroom and walked down the stairs.

Several of the most prominent Redwallers were seated around the table in cavern hole. Skipper of otters stood up as the abbot entered, motioning for the others to do likewise.
Log a Log Sap remained sitting. “We never do that.” He said with a look of confusion stamped on his features.
Skipper thought for a brief moment and then sat back down. “You’re right mate, we don’t do we?”
Abbot Mecksil took the seat at the head of the table. He was an unusually short, old squirrel. “Friends, Redwallers, we must prepare for war.”
“duh.” Said Friar Po, an old vole with a large scar across his forehead. Po had been a great warrior before a great battle left him severely injured. “Why do you think we all came down here?”
Suddenly Lymbee and Flower came dashing in. “Sorry we’re late sir!” Called Lymbee.
The abbot looked up, startled. “What are you two doing down here? I didn’t give you permission to interrupt the council.”
“Well, you said you wanted us in cavern hole for a war council.” Said Flower.
“I didn’t mean YOU.” Said the abbot contemptuously. Lymbee and Flower, eyes downcast, left cavern hole.
“As I was saying before those two freaks interrupted, we must go to war. Lord Hugestripe of Salamandastron sent word that there is a vermin army of innumerable size heading for the mountain. He wants two Redwallers to travel to Salamandastron and help him with defense.”
Skipper nodded. “Oh, so that’s the war. Um, well y’know mate, that doesn’t mean we all have to prepare for war, just two of us. Have you decided who they are to be?”
“Yes. I would like Flower and Lymbee to go and help. They should be here, I summoned them to the council, but they obviously decided to blow it off and do something else.” Said the abbot, shaking his head.
There was a moment of awkward silence as all of the other beats present reflected on the stupidity of their abbot.
“Well Meck, don’t you think you should send two… more capable beasts?” ventured Log-a-Log.
The abbot slammed his fist on the table. “No! Shut up! I’ve made up my mind!” He pulled at his headfur and shouted “aaaaugh!” in a loud voice.
“Ok, so um let’s call for Lymbee and Flower.” Said Po.
“Lymbee and Flower, get in here you losers!” Called the abbot. The mentioned mouse and haremaid came in.
“What now, mr. Abbot?” asked Lymbee.
The abbot had a mad look in his eyes. He began scratching at the table wood, frantically. Skipper jumped in before abbot Mecksil could come up with some insane reply.
“Ol’ Mecky ‘ere wants you two t’travel to Salamandastron and help Lord Hugestripe defend the mountain against a frighteningly large horde of smelly vermin.”
The two nodded and went upstairs to pack. Log a Log looked around, confused.
“They can’t leave yet! Don’t we need to tell them directions and give them provisions and all that necessary stuff?”
“Nah!” said the abbot. “They can deal with it.”
The silence that followed was not broken until Lymbee and Flower came back down the stairs with their bags packed.
“We’re ready to leave!” said Flower, “Say bye for me to anyone who would care that I’m leaving.”
“Same for me.” Said Lymbee.
The abbot shook his head, this time smiling. “You two are awesome. Bye now!”
“Um ok, bye.” Said Lymbee, “But can’t we at least bring some food?”
The abbot banged his head on the table. “No!”
Log a Log stood up. “Yes. Go and fill your bags with food. The cook has plenty for tonight.”
Lymbee and Flower nodded as they headed toward the kitchen. The abbot began sobbing loudly and kicking the table leg.
“There, there now sir.” Said Friar Po, “Everything will be ok.”
The abbot sniffed and nodded. “Yes ‘twill. Ok, so let’s go have dinner.”
Everyone suddenly cheered. “Yay!”
“Yes, let’s!” said Skipper. As if on cue, they all stood up in unison and filed out to wash their paws.

Upon entering the kitchen, Lymbee and Flower found the cook waiting with two large sacks of food.
“I thought you might want these.” He said. Lymbee took both and handed one to Flower.
“Would you like to bring a canteen of sugar-free killdaberry cordial?” asked the cook, pleasantly.
“Nah, that’s ok, Bye.” The two were gone in an instant, heading across the abbey grounds. The direction in which they were to travel they were unsure of.
The gate made a loud crash as they closed it behind them and set off for Salamandastron, the great mountain of badger lords.

Do you want MORE LYMBEE? Let me know! If I get enough requests sent to titled 'MORE  LYMBEE' then I just might give it to you!

Of course all images and references to Redwall are a copyright of the Redwall Abbey Company LTD and all articles and writings are a copyright of their original authors or artists. Don't even bother being a loser and ripping us off because all images and references to TRC are a copyright of Temmlock, 2002 (We have the law behind us). Questions? Comments? Complaints? Whines? Email Temmlock at