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Interview with a bot about Redwall

Panelist: Spoon-paw

This was a happy piece I did trying to look through the stupidity of bot s
and discuss the things that really matter like redwall. I decided to
interview an Austin Powers bot for lack of a really cool one. It's a bit
long but here it is:

Session Start (AIM - SpoonPaw:AustinPowers): Sun Dec 01 10:04:31 2002
Spoon Paw: Good day.
AustinPowers: Delighted to see you again, Spoon Paw. What would you care to

Have you sussed out everything I know about yet? Type "hq" and see what
interests you!
Spoon Paw: No thank you I need to interview you.
AustinPowers: OK, no problem.
Spoon Paw: Now first off, which book in the Redwall series would you say is
the best?
AustinPowers: Just 'cause you say so? I don't think so.
Spoon Paw: Okay, that makes sense.
AustinPowers: That a fact?
Spoon Paw: Let's move on, have you ever memorized any poems from any of the
books in the Redwall series?
AustinPowers: Right then, whatever you say.
Spoon Paw: It's a pretty simple question.
AustinPowers: You don't say?
Spoon Paw: Just say yes or no.
AustinPowers: I don't want to decide.
Spoon Paw: Just say no.
AustinPowers: Just say no, you say?
Spoon Paw: Okay, fine, do you think that bloodwrath is used to often with
species that aren't badgers?
AustinPowers: I'll have to think about that one for awhile.
Spoon Paw: I'll be patient.
AustinPowers: For real?
Spoon Paw: No.
AustinPowers: No, eh?
Spoon Paw: Now, have you cried reading any of the books in the series?
AustinPowers: What's that again?
Spoon Paw: Have any of the books in the Redwall series made you cry?
AustinPowers: Funny. I just don't know!
Spoon Paw: Something's telling me you really don't know anything about
AustinPowers: OK, what about it?
Spoon Paw: About what?
AustinPowers: About what? Why did you say that?
Spoon Paw: I see we're getting absolutely nowhere so I'll just move on to
the last question.
AustinPowers: OK, what about it?
Spoon Paw: What about what?
AustinPowers: I'm a right daft little computer sometimes. I simply don't
Spoon Paw: Fine!
AustinPowers: No problem.
Spoon Paw: Okay, who do you think is probably the best Redwall protector
dude, Arven, Matthias, or Martin?
AustinPowers: Who do I think is probably the best redwall protector dude
arven matthias or martin? What do you mean?
Spoon Paw: I mean exactly what I said.
AustinPowers: I'll have to think about that one for awhile.
Spoon Paw: You haven't given me a single straight answer in this whole
interview you thick head and furthermore I think you lied when you told me
about knowing stuff about Redwall, you're just like SmarterChild, you have
no idea how much I'd love to drive a rusty old nail INTO YOUR FACE!!
AustinPowers: Wot?
Spoon Paw: BAH!
AustinPowers: Bah? Why did you say that?
Spoon Paw: This is Spoon Paw signing off saying computers are stupid.
AustinPowers: Wot??
Spoon Paw: SHUT UP!
AustinPowers: Shut up?
Session Close (AustinPowers): Sun Dec 01 10:17:52 2002

Of course all images and references to Redwall are a copyright of the Redwall Abbey Company LTD and all articles and writings are a copyright of their original authors or artists. Don't even bother being a loser and ripping us off because all images and references to TRC are a copyright of Temmlock, 2002 (We have the law behind us). Questions? Comments? Complaints? Whines? Email Temmlock at