The Redwall Comedian

"The future of monthly Ezines has arrived...

But this isn't it."

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Behind The Scenes At Insane Redwallers Today!!!!!!!

Guest Article

By ((guess who!!)) Demi and Spring Bookring

*theme music plays and break windows*

Demi:*evil laugh**more windows break*MUWHAHAHA-CRACK!!!!!*jumps five feet in the air*
Spring:Lets try that again...........
Demi:HELLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOO Folks! It's us again! Just the same bolly ol' chapesses you don't wanna see!*grins*Today we're going to take you behind the scenes on our show that almost doesn't exist, but only if we feel like it *camera zooms in on shirt. Reads "Attitudinal Otter"*
Spring: We have a show??
Demi: Now we do.
Spring: ohhhh........
Demi: I'm so creative......
Spring: back to this behind the scenes thing, lets go.
*camera focuses in what appears to be a stockroom full of sugar*
Spring: This is the most important room in the whole deal. Without sugar we'd never get anything done, which is basically the case anyway, but sugar makes everybody happy!
Demi: Not-uh!!!!! Coffee is better!!!!!!!!!
Spring:Oh yeah....but coffee's too expensive.
Spring: next we'll go check out our filming room.
*room is large and round.*
Demi: The claw thing poking out of the ceiling is to get rid of anybody we don't like, like the Toothfairy and my cousin.
Spring: We also use lightning bolts, and a zapper gun that sometimes works, and a trapdoor and a candied chestnut!
Demi:You'll notice that we get the comfy chairs. Our staff gets electric chairs so we can shock them when they don't say I look cute!*pouts*
Spring: Let's see our trying-to-figure-what-the-heck-we're-going-to-do-next room!!!!!!!!!!
*In the room there are an espresso machine, a toothbrush, a pile of stale licorice, and an antique cell phone from 1879*
Demi: This is our trying-to-figure-what-the-heck-we're-going-to-do-next room!!!!!!
Spring: Purple rhinos are nice.
*Purple rhinos appear in the room*
Demi:*screams like a 6 year old boy ((aka as a 4 year old girl))*PURPLE RHINOS!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
Spring:I used to ride a green rhino to school.
*Green rhinos appear*
Demi: AAAAAIIIIIIIIIIEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I don't even like green!
Demi:We have another room?
Spring: Oh right. Well, I guess that's all. we hoped you hated this, and we hate you if you do or don't.
Demi: Sue me then!*she screams into cell phone*Ah, Spring....
Spring: That thing doesn't work, it was made in 1879, and they didn't have cell phones then!!!!!!!!!
Demi:That's my point!!! I got my lawyer when I used the 1879-doesn't-work-at-all-cell phone!!!!
*Credits roll with theme music. Kiss your windows good-bye!*


Of course all images and references to Redwall are a copyright of the Redwall Abbey Company LTD and all articles and writings are a copyright of their original authors or artists. Don't even bother being a loser and ripping us off because all images and references to TRC are a copyright of Temmlock, 2002 (We have the law behind us). Questions? Comments? Complaints? Whines? Email Temmlock at