The Redwall Comedian

"The future of monthly Ezines has arrived...

But this isn't it."

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Athalia's Monthly Interview

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Athalia's Monthly Interview

Panelist: A-tha-lia NHC

AHHH!! *is thrown into cubicle* Grr... I have to write one of these again already? *sighs* Fine... let's see here...
We got a grand total of four questions, all from the same beast: Poisonleaf Wolfbane Marlfox. Ya know what that means? They're better than you. HAR!
*cough* Anyway, here's Poisonleaf's questions.

"Should the Gawtrybe be in another book?"
--After consulting several sources, I have concluded that I have forgotten whoever the Gawtrybe were. So, in that case, I'll say no, because they aren't memorable enough. For me at least. Uhm, next question.

"Which is worse, a vermin warlord or a bad cook?"
--Ooo, I could make this into a nice essay! But I don't have the time for a full essay, so I'll just answer the question. In my opinion (since I am a hare), a bad cook is worse. See, cooks can poison you, leave out nutrients, starve you, or just make something that'll leave a bad taste in your mouth for the rest of the day. A vermin warlord can do that too, but he has other cooks that can help do that, so the warlord just sits around and watches, or is out fighting really bad odds against them. Bad cooks = bad. Warlords = dumb.

"How come the Redwall characters never mention- well you know, the facilities, the little boys' room, the john?"
--... John Cripp isn't in any of the Redwall books, he just happens to own a lot of them. HARHAR! Eh, anyway... they don't have toilets, therefore they don't mention "johns". As far as other facilities go, they probably just run out behind a bush, use a chamber pot, or some other thing. Check out some stuff on medieval times and see if they mention anything about your question.

"Why should I always ask the questions, why don't /you/ ask /me/ a question for a change? Huh? Huh?"
--... Because I write this column and /you/ don't. Besides, this is only the first month I've tried having people ask me questions. As you can see by the lack of questions from other people, it didn't really work. So maybe I WILL ask you a question. Maybe I'll ask ALL OF YOU a question for you to answer and send to me. So there.

So, there you have it. This month's interview. For November, if I don't get enough responces, I may just go back to the way I used to write my interviews.

1. Write some questions and send them in to me to answer.*
2. Answer this question and send your answer to me: If one mouse is trying to cross the ditch, but has to carry a sword, a haversack, and a screaming dibbun across and can only carry two of these items at a time, what color is the sky over Redwall at exactly midnight?

... yes, pathetic, I know, but I'm losing inspiration. Anyway, see you next month.

*I'll save you the step of locating and clicking on the 'contacts' link. e-mail questions to

Of course all images and references to Redwall are a copyright of the Redwall Abbey Company LTD and all articles and writings are a copyright of their original authors or artists. Don't even bother being a loser and ripping us off because all images and references to TRC are a copyright of Temmlock, 2002 (We have the law behind us). Questions? Comments? Complaints? Whines? Email Temmlock at