The Redwall Comedian

"The future of monthly Ezines has arrived...

But this isn't it."

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Athalia's Monthly Interview

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Athalia's Monthly Interview

Panelist: A-tha-lia NHC

ANHC: Hello, I'm Athalia Nuttree Hophingham Colover. Once again, I'm on the streets of
Rockthing, Maine, interviewing people for The Redwall Comedian. You may have noticed that
the title for this interview is "Athalia's Monthly Interview". Yes, I will subject you
to more of these horrible interviews every month that TRC lives! (or at least every month that I feel inclined to write one...)

My last interview was somewhat a dud that discussed what people thought of
the Redwall series. This month's interview doesn't have hardly anything to do with Redwall,
but that's too bad. This month's question is: "What is your opinion of insanity?" *walks up to a
boy with a bald spot on his head and taps him on the shoulder* Hey you, what is--

John Cripp: Oh no, not you again.

ANHC: I could say the same thing about you. Nice hair cut.

J.C.: Would I bug you if you got a hair cut?

ANHC: Yeah, probably. Will you answer a question?

J.C.: No, I won't go out with you.

ANHC: That's the best news I've heard all day! Thank you!

J.C.: You're not welcome.

ANHC: *walks away and taps a girl on the shoulder this time* Excuse me, what is your
opinion of insanity?

Girl: *turns around with a crazed look on her face* A chicken with its head cut off has
no brain!

ANHC: *nod* I quite agree. *walks over to a young boy, about 6-years-old* What is your
opinion of insanity?

Boy: *is led away by his mother who gives Atha a strange look*

ANHC: Ok... what was that all about? Sheesh... *looks up at a squirrel dressed in
weasel and fox pelts* What is your opinion of insanity?

Madd the Squirrel: Vermin must die, nice and slow! Heeheehee!!

ANHC: Uhh... *hurries away* This interview is going badly, again. *walks over to an
older man sitting on a bench. He is bald on the top of his head and has a white beard*
Excuse me, sir, what is your opinion of insanity?

OldMan: *in English/Irish/ish accent* It's a good ingredient for a book series that
spawns thousands of websites, eZines, and crazy teenagers across the world!

ANHC: Wow! That's the most insightful response we've had all day! What is your name, sir?

OldMan: Brian Jacques. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to work on my next novel if I don't
want angry mobs of fans to come after me for holding off the publishing date.

ANHC: Certainly, Mr. Jacques! *turns to camera* Well, I suppose this interview had
something to do with Redwall afterall! This is Athalia Nuttree Hophingham Colover signing off!

Of course all images and references to Redwall are a copyright of the Redwall Abbey Company LTD and all articles and writings are a copyright of their original authors or artists. Don't even bother being a loser and ripping us off because all images and references to TRC are a copyright of Temmlock, 2002 (We have the law behind us). Questions? Comments? Complaints? Whines? Email Temmlock at