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A Travelling interview

Panelist: A-tha-lia nhc

Editor's disclaimer: This interview was composed by Athalia NHC who carries the best legal papers in all the land. Any lawsuits will be handled by TRC's lawyers on the basis that this interview possibly never took place. If you don't want to sort through the details, I'll drop to the bottom line: Emus R cool.

ANHC: Hello, I'm Athalia Nuttree Hophingham Colover. Today, I'm on the
streets of Rockthing, Maine, asking people their opinions of the
Redwall book series. *walks up to person in pink
skirt* Excuse me, ma'am, have you ever read Redwall?

Person: Uhh, I'm a guy, not a ma'am.

ANHC: Oh, sorry, I couldn't tell because of the pink skirt you're

Guy: It's peach.

ANHC: ... whatever. Anyway, have you ever read Redwall?

Guy: Isn't that the old prison in Thomistom?

ANHC: No, it's a book series by Brian Jacques.

Guy: I can't read, but my fish is named Brian.

ANHC: Uhm, that's very interesting, sir. Is there anything else you'd
like to say?

Guy: JCPenny's is having a sale on pantyhose!

ANHC: That's wonderful. Have a nice day, ma'am...

Guy: I said I'm a guy, not a ma'am!

ANHC: Sure you are. *walks up to kid dressed in black shirt with cross-
bones* Excuse me, kid, have you ever read Redwall?

Kid: Nah, but I've seen the TV series.

ANHC: Really! Well, what did you think of the TV series?

Kid: I think it *beep*s *beep*! It's so *beep*ing bad! They think we
*beep* kids appreciate that *beep*?!

ANHC: ...I guess not.

Kid: *beep* right!

ANHC: Uh huh... thank you for your time... *walks up to a guy*
Excuse me, sir. What is your name?

Sir: John Cripp.

ANHC: Hi, John, nice to--

John: Hey, don't I know you?

ANHC: Uh, yeah, OCCly, you go to my school but your last name has been
changed to--

John: Shut up, idiot!

ANHC: *starts to get angry* No. Have you ever read Redwall?

John: Why are you so obsessed with Redwall?

ANHC: Because you're a brainless dolt!

John: I know you're a brainless dolt...

ANHC: *punches John in the nose, because she's always wanted to do that
but couldn't* This interview is over! *beep* you idiotic people of
Rockthing!! YOU ALL WILL--

*Transmission ended*

Of course all images and references to Redwall are a copyright of the Redwall Abbey Company LTD and all articles and writings are a copyright of their original authors or artists. Don't even bother being a loser and ripping us off because all images and references to TRC are a copyright of Temmlock, 2002 (We have the law behind us). Questions? Comments? Complaints? Whines? Email Temmlock at