The Redwall Comedian

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The Legend of Spoon Paw the Fairly Uneducated

Chapter 5

Panelist: Spoon-paw

The small militia walked out of Redwall waving to their friends and eating sandwiches. The sandwiches were turkey sandwiches with mustard and mayo on them, they were on white bread with the crusts cut off and they all liked that.

As they traveled they talked about subjects like, ‘These sandwiches are great’, and ‘Man, whoever mad these sandwiches has to be the best sandwich maker ever’ and also ‘Mmmmm, the lettuce on this sandwich is so crisp and nice.’

“Say, your names are Joe, Bob, Fred, Bill, and Sam, am I correct, yes?” Asked Lemur.
“Why yes it is” Replied Joe, Bob, Fred, Bill, and Sam in unison.
“Good, I just needed to reassure myself, yes?” Replied Lemur to Joe, Bob,
Fred, Bill, and Sam’s reply.
As they continued walking they heard a bush start shaking, instinctively
they all shot it full of arrows.
“What was it?” asked Joe.
Lemur peeked under the bush and raised his head to look at his crew, “That
my friends was the ancient squirrel that was going to guide us safely
through Mossflower to Salamandastron, yes?”
Joe, Bob, Fred, Bill, and Sam stopped smiling; they just stared blankly at
the bush.
“Well okay, if you guys are just gonna sit there I’m going to be at
Salamandastron, yes?” At that he shoved a bunch of foliage out of his way
and just stood there.
After about fifteen minutes Joe, Bob, Fred, Bill, and Sam started looking at
“Dude, what’s he looking at?”
“Who said that?”
“Nobody stupid, it’s a generalization of what we’re all saying.”
“Oh, sorry.”
Joe, Bob, Fred, Bill, and Sam then looked at what Lemur had been staring at,
it was Salamandastron!
They began turning back and forth looking at Redwall, and looking at
Salamandastron, and eating their sandwiches. They then pushed Lemur down the hill and ran after him towards Salamandastron.

Will Joe, Bob, Fred, Bill, Sam, and Lemur all trip and fall and sprain their
Will Karate Man *HIYA* come and help them on their quest?
Will there be more sandwiches?
Find out in the next issue of, Spoon Paw the Fairly Uneducated.

Of course all images and references to Redwall are a copyright of the Redwall Abbey Company LTD and all articles and writings are a copyright of their original authors or artists. Don't even bother being a loser and ripping us off because all images and references to TRC are a copyright of Temmlock, 2002 (We have the law behind us). Questions? Comments? Complaints? Whines? Email Temmlock at