The Redwall Comedian

"The future of monthly Ezines has arrived...

But this isn't it."

Have a Nice Day!


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My 2 Lousy Cents

Athalia's Monthly Interview

Poisonleaf Wolfbane, Cubicle Inspector part 2

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My 2 Lousy Cents.


Panelist: Temm-lock

'sup, welcome to 2LC! Being the first ever issue of TRC (We really like acronyms), let me give you a short column description. 

First, let me explain the name. I planned to call this column 'Tem's 16 Cents" because it was worth more than 2 Cents at that time. Times change, don't they? When the column's quality went from  bad to lousy, I changed the name.

So what's this column about? Not much in general, just whatever distantly Redwall related horse fodder comes into my sick mind.

The banner at the top of the page was done by.... me. A similar story can be told for all of the other designs, fonts, graphics etc. on this page. You see, I'm the brains of this operation. When you finish reading this column, then you will realize the startling truth that this E-zine is going to be very very bad. 

Our staff consists of me, the alternative genius in web design, some little mouse with a tendency to aimlessly wander the internet, a squirrel with a head injury, another squirrel who's named after a blade, and a creature pulled from the depths of the Redwall series, Matthias (Wow, what an original name! I wonder where he got it.).

My un-thoughts on Redwall website copyright laws.

I believe that, in general, copyright laws are nothing but an excuse to take up the bottom of the page and pull the design together. For example, look at the bottom of this page. What information of importance did you receive from reading the ramblings? Copyright laws have no other purpose. Especially for sites like this. (Who would rip off this crap?)

My un-thoughts on newbie bashing.

Y'know, there are lots of people out there in the ROC that are openly prejudice against newbies. I don't mind being annoyed by a newbie's excessive lack of knowledge and skill, but not all newbies are this way. The people I hold prejudice against are the newbies who call everyone else newbies as a term of contempt. Geez, if you're a newbie just admit it! Don't go around telling everyone else that they are newbies when they aren't. (They probably are, but give me a break! I'm trying to offend some people here.)

My un-thoughts on other stuff.

Do you ever get to that point of despair when you feel like your internet connection could never be slower and you want to pummel the jerk who made the bajillion K site? So do I. Even though I have wireless cable internet.

Alright, its time for 'Tem's lousy Redwall joke of the month'. Here goes.

There was a vole who really liked to get drunk. One day, he got really drunk and smashed a barstool through the bartender's stamp collection. The bartender said "I oughta sue you vole!" and the vole replied  "How can you sue me if there are no lawyers in Redwall?" and the bartender replied "Ha! Fancy telling me that after ten years of law school!"

Hahaha haha ha......ha....h-.....a........ 

You wouldn't get it. uh... Its an inside joke. Yeah.

The staff here has been working hard to produce cheap, simple minded articles that you can read even if you are simple minded. We also try to keep the attention of the shortest attention span in the ROC. That's why we continue to change topic.

This issue is more of an establishment for the 'zine and a way to get to know the panelists. In the future, the articles will be more on a direct topic. (Sure)

That's all for the first 2LC.

Have a nice day! (Metaphorically)



Of course all images and references to Redwall are a copyright of the Redwall Abbey Company LTD and all articles and writings are a copyright of their original authors or artists. Don't even bother being a loser and ripping us off because all images and references to TRC are a copyright of Temmlock, 2002 (We have the law behind us). Questions? Comments? Complaints? Whines? Email Temmlock at